That Re Of Sunshine

Mongo ma Ndemi native on a journey called life. . .

December 6, 2011

Comedy Central In Africa

So excited! Comedy Central has finally landed in Africa! Funny, innovative, surprising and smart, Comedy Central will be overflowing with non-stop, provocative comedy content including stand-up and sketch comedy, satire, offbeat comedy TV series, classic comedy sitcoms and comedy specials. All I can think of are Two and a half men (Who are you kidding, Charlie Sheen rocks!), Richard Pryor and Jeff Dunham (Dun-Ham!). I can't wait. Comedy Central will be launching on DSTV Channel 122 at 6:30. Packing up my bags, heading...
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December 3, 2011

The Maju Pop Up Shop

See Below the jump to continue readin...
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December 1, 2011

Ré Day 28-11-11

My birthday wasn't so bad. Can't believe I'm a year older. All day I kept waiting for magic to happen; I mean I even checked my height to see if I was at least an inch taller. Well I'm not. So here's how my day went: went to work, went home, had dinner, changed a light bulb, watched two and a half men, saw a sagittarius and went to bed. Of course I got loads of calls, messages, emails, facebook and twitter mentions, all the same, it was a pretty boring day.The day after wasn't so bad, I had all my friends around me at an owambe...
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November 22, 2011

Re's Wish List

Its Ré's day, my birthday on the 28th of November. Been trying to come up with a list of things I want for my birthday. To be honest I have everything I want/need. I have a family, great friends, a good job and an amazing life. What more can a girl ask for! That doesn't mean I don't want presents! All the same I've decided to make things easy for you guys. Here's my wish list. The material stuff I want. 1. Diane von Furstenberg Purse 2. Christian Dior Poison: I love! I want any of the three.  3. Charlatans (Polo) by iamISIGO I...
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November 11, 2011


Today is 11-11-11. The 11th of November 2011. Just another day in the land of the sun. And seventeen more days to my birthday. Anyways I've decided to put up some facts you should know about today. Enjoy!  Things You Should Know About 11-11-11·      Only happens once each century (100 years).  ·        The last 11-11-11 happened on November 11th, 1911. That day marked a major cold snap in the U.S. during which several cities in the Midwest set record highs and record lows in the same day. ·        According to,...
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November 4, 2011

Captured by A Six Year-Old

Been real busy with work et al. That's never a reason not to blog. So my boss's son decide to draw me. The Princess by A.W. What do you think? I love the crown and the way he captured my expressionless face and my infamous scowl. According to the artist, there are two people in the drawing. He says  if you turn it upside down, it looks like a man with a beard so that's 'The King'.  FYI: He's only six years old. Do you think this drawing looks like me in anyway? R...
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October 25, 2011

Happy 21st Teni & Keni

Yesterday, my gorgeous twin sisters Ten Ten and Keni G turned 21 years old. Then. . . This pic is blurry, but this is the twins at their 1st birthday. That's Teni with cake in her mouth and Keni  with her famous grin. Now. . . Sometimes, they annoy me and I wish I could sell them.(This year alone, I have put them up on sale on my blackberry personal message 4times). But if I don't hear from them for two days, I worry and miss them. I hate it when they're home and make so much noise with their ceaseless banter and arguments,...
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October 13, 2011

In Love With The Super Sun

Hearing his voice and the lyrics to the song Zucidaya and More you makes me want to fall in love. *sigh. Have you ever heard a song or a voice that just told you listen, relax, its ok to fall in love. See me talking about love. Ha ha ha. This post was meant to be an open letter to Bez to please make his album Super Sun available on compact disc. Bros made it available only online for a while. Anyways, I finally got my Super Sun album almost a month ago (18/09/11) so all is well in the land of the Sun. Been playing this...
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October 6, 2011

Love in the stars

Today at lunch a couple of us were talking about star signs, everyone else seemed to go on about how their personalities were exactly like their sign personality. Truth is I've always been indifferent about star signs, their traits, horoscopes and how exactly people relate to them. So I looked up my star sign's traits: Sagittarius Optimistic and freedom-lovingJovial and good-humoredHonest and straightforwardIntellectual and philosophical Oh my gosh. . . this totally defines me. NOT. Okay, well most of it is true. But I'm not that jovial anymore. I can be, but I'm not. If you ever see me walking around with a scowl...
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October 5, 2011

The Video: Folashade By Definition Of Sound DOS

Check out Behind the Scenes of the Folashade video shoot....
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October 4, 2011

Drake - Headlines

Drake released the video to his new single “Headlines” which he shot in his hometown; Toronto on Sunday night.  Can't wait for his album Take Care to drop!...
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September 30, 2011

Cheers To The Weekend

When I got out of my house today at ten minutes to 9am, I wasn't sure what my day was going to be like. While walking to work, the way the sun felt on my skin, the way the wind twirled around me and the whistling of the birds got me feeling good about myself. I swear I felt a bit like Pocahontas. I didn't see a humming bird but I saw a butterfly. Too bad the wind wasn't strong or sensible enough to gather up some leaves as it twirled around me. Looks like its going to be a good weekend. Plus there's a public holiday on Monday! Thank God! If I was to have a sound track to my life, right now, it would be Rihanna's...
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September 27, 2011

Doritos Inventor Passes On

Are there ever times something random happens and you say thank you Jesus for the person who invented ____________ or you say thank you God for creating ____________ (fill in the blank space). Stop thinking I'm random. I always thank God for creating the person who invented electricity, the mobile phone, hand dryer and plastic. Last night, while eating dinner; chocolate ice cream, Pringles and Doritos, I thanked God for creating their inventors. This morning, I found out, the man who invented the Doritos chips, Arch...
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September 25, 2011

More From The Rainbow Echo Collection By Maju

Female fashion label Maju released The Rainbow Echo Collection on the 28th of August, 2011. I just got word that there's more from the The Rainbow Echo Collection: For more information,visit MAJU's blog. If you're feeling generous and  feel like buying me a bag just cause its September, you know what I want. ☺Re ...
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September 16, 2011


Guess who is coming to town next week?! Its Dora, Dora the Explorer! Judge me if you must, I don't care!   Dora, yes Dora, the cartoon character will be celebrating her birthday and holding her first ever public performance in Nigeria.The show will feature well-known nursery rhymes, at the Federal Palace Hotel, Lagos on Friday 23 and Saturday 24 September 2011.  Visit the Nickelodeon website Wondering why she's coming to town? Well here's the story: Access Bank Plc is set to redefine the retail banking space...
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September 5, 2011


Fear is an unpleasant sensation caused by nearness of danger or pain. It seemed like an ordinary morning, but I didn’t know it wasn’t. It was six thirty in the morning, the darkness of night had started to fade away and somewhere around the corner, the demon called “FEAR” was lurking. I was on my way to school. My brother happened to be driving. Everything seemed to be going on normally; the temperature was dropping, the sun was somewhere getting ready to rise, on morning radio, the presenters were getting ready to increase their pace....
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August 23, 2011

The Rainbow Echo Collection By Maju

Female fashion label Maju is set to release The Rainbow Echo Collection on the 28th of August, 2011. Here's a sneak peek of The Rainbow Echo Collection: For more information,visit MAJU's blog.I'm already counting down to the 28th. Got to get me a Maju bag.  Will be blogging sooner than you think. Bet you've noticed I've been pretty consistent this past two months. Yes I am proud of myself. Lol. Until then guys, "Be helpful, when you see a person without a...
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August 17, 2011

Bert & Ernie Are Best Friends Nothing More!

Image via Wikipedia According to a Sesame Street rep, Burt and Ernie are not gay, or straight, for that matter. They’re just best friends and characters who were created to help teach the children of America. Well there's been debate about this. The two have lived together since forever and have kept everyone wondering what exactly it was between them or if the producers were trying to pass across a hidden message to its audience. I remember someone telling me they used to sleep in the same bed. but from what I can remember,...
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August 16, 2011

Behind The Scenes Of The Video: Folashade By Definition Of Sound DOS

Behind the scenes of the video: Folashade by Definition Of Sound DOS brought to you by That Ré of Sunshine. Will post the video in a week or two....
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