That Re Of Sunshine

Mongo ma Ndemi native on a journey called life. . .

October 9, 2013

5 Things I recently did

Hey guys, the last month has been really eventful for me.  I'll give you a quick catch up of what this Ré has been up to.

1. I resigned from my job.

I miss my desk, I miss my Base fam . . 
Before you scream out loud, keep reading and you'll know why. Enough people have told me I must be crazy for doing this. Well my Base fam were very supportive. Gosh I miss that Base life. (I'm still a Base writer though :-), I couldn't leave completely).

2. I moved to a new city.

The Steel City
It was time for a new adventure . . .  Sometimes you've just got to make that move. I moved to a city in South Yorkshire, England. Loving it so far. Only thing I've got qualms with is the weather. I'm a summer girl; I love the sun.

3. I went back to school.
Looks like a church doesn't it? It's a lecture theatre. 
I'm currently working on getting a master's in Broadcast Journalism. Whoop whoop!

4. I finally found true love.

Brandon and I.  *Insert Beyonce lyrics here { . . . I'll be your baby, now promise not to let you go, love you like crazy}
Love my new MacBook Pro more than a fat kid loves cake!

5. I got a house plant.

Her name is Clara. She's a member of the plant family Cactaceae. Her spines are not as prickly as I thought they would be. She sure brightens up my place.

I'll be honest with you guys, I was afraid of leaving my job, I was afraid of moving to a new city and leaving my family . . . but  I'm happy I took this decision. In the words of Martin Luther King Jr.
Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.
My name is Princess Irede Abumere, I am a Mongo ma Ndemi native and my journey continues. xx


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