That Re Of Sunshine

Mongo ma Ndemi native on a journey called life. . .

May 30, 2013

Technology crack

Three weeks ago the base of my laptop broke. I have this thing where instead of of closing my laptop gently, I slam it shut. One night I slammed it shut as usual and the next morning as I tired to open it, the whole thing started cracking and coming apart before my eyes. I was weak.

For three week's now, my laptop remains at Reddington awaiting a new base. *sigh.

It's not the same working on my iPhone or Samsung Galaxy tab. I just want my laptop back. *sniff sniff. I always thought the one gadget I wouldn't be able to live without would be my iPhone. But it turns out I can't be without my laptop.

                   My Crackberry 

What's the one gadget you can't live without?

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May 15, 2013

Everyday's a holiday!

"I have had a holiday, and I'd like to take it up professionally." I love this quote from Kylie Minogue. I'm sure I'm not the only one thinking right now "I wish tomorrow was a public holiday". Well the thing is every day's a holiday (well maybe not a public holiday where you take time off work/school and faff).

There's always a reason to celebrate a new day. Not just because you are thankful for the gift of life or thankful for finding a random N1,000 note in your pocket when you are down to your last Kobo (God is good o!) or finding that Kit Kat bar!

Missing Kit-Kat situation a work. *sigh

If you follow me (or my blog on twitter), you'll see that everyday I tweet about what holiday, celebration or season that day is.

Some of these holidays are so random that when I tweet about it, I get replies like "C'mon" "Princess seriously" "You've started" "Madame today is". Well I don't make these holidays up. Don't believe me, Google them!

The thing I love about finding out what makes today special even if it's not a stay at home holiday is that the meaning and most times the randomness of the day actually makes you smile and quite cheerful during the day. I've decided to put a side tab on my blog telling you what today/everyday is!

Happy Straw Hat Day Folks! What's your favourite holiday?
As a Sun-lover, of course I love straw hats!


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