That Re Of Sunshine

Mongo ma Ndemi native on a journey called life. . .

July 28, 2011

Who Says The Tooth Fairy Doesn't Exist

HARD TIMES HIT THE TOOTH FAIRY"It seems that no one is immune to the economic downturn. A survey conducted by Visa says that American kids are averaging three dollars less per tooth than last year. In addition, the madam of the mouth is forking over money to fewer kids. In 2010, 94 percent of children under the age of 12 got cash for their teeth, while this year, only 90 percent are seeing dough."Source: MTV Morning Facts 28/07/11 I remember the day I found out who the Tooth fairy really was. I shouldn't have been as surprised...
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R.I.P Amy Winehouse

Amy Winehouse RIP 14-09-1983 - 23-07-2011 Amy Winehouse was such an amazing singer. I love her voice and the way she expresses herself in her music. "What type of fuckery is this?" I thought it was amazing how she poured her life and feelings into her music. So so sad that she's gone.   Everyone's talking about how her alcohol/drug abuse got the best of her. Truth is we all have our 'own' demons. If you know yours and how to control yours, good for you. Based on reports in the news from her friends and family members,...
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July 14, 2011


The NEW MTV BASE LOGO  Hook yourself up with the Africa's Biggest Music Television Channel for the freshest singles, celeb news & stand a chance to win invites to exclusive MtvBase Parties!!! LIKE the MTV Base Nigeria fan page! Just click here ---------►  MTV Base Nigeria Fan Page Oh yeah, what do you think of their new logo?&nbs...
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July 8, 2011

Thank God Its Friday

Can't believe I'm saying this, but Thank God Its Friday! Just got out of a 'Brainstorming session'. This sister's head is HOT! Didn't contribute that much though, but my head is hot all the same. Don't judge me.  Celebrate the end of another working week by treating yourself to the finest alcoholic & non-alcoholic cocktails , and the tastiest Chinese/Asian sample & appetiser platters from just N1,150 per head. Its HAPPY HOUR at WAN TAN FUSION restaurant today from 6pm. What are you thinking? I know what I'm thinking abi...
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July 5, 2011

Walks, UnBirthday's and Chocolate cups

I don't mind walking to work, it takes me 8minutes 18seconds. Its actually five hundred and fifty seven steps from my house to my office. I know this cause I timed myself last week and counted my steps this morning. I don't mind walking to work but the thing is people stare. Yeah I know I'm beautiful and I should be admired but haba look and move your eyes away. Thank you very much. Another thing is I get honked at and offered rides, I don't like the honking bit at all. Then when I'm enjoying my walk, the peace and quiet of the morning...
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July 4, 2011

Right Now

Right now, I'm at work. This sister is done with Broadcasting school. Got a new job thanks to Hadi (I love you girl). Yes I know, I'm always doing one thing or the other, well that's the best way to gain experience and figure out what life has in store for me. Check out my friend Shirley's blog: Another boring article about Love. We got the most exciting news  two weeks ago about Livy little bundle of joy. Then Madame Shirley decided to write a story. After reading it, it was obvious the characters were based...
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