That Re Of Sunshine

Mongo ma Ndemi native on a journey called life. . .

November 30, 2010

Maju And Me

I keep saying I'm going to blog once a week but I end up blogging once a month. This has definitely got to change. Been so busy with work amongst other things.

Aside from being a reporter at a radio station (yes, I've got a JOB), I'm now also a Publicist (make that two jobs). At first, I thought being a publicist would be an easy job to do, after all it's just to create awareness for a product or a concept. But after speaking to professionals in Public relations, Branding and Advertising, I realised it was going to be hard work! I should have paid more attention during those PR classes in uni. Now books on PR and branding top my reading list.

Right now, my first and only client is Maju, a female fashion label by Motunrayo Jimoh. Maju designs and produces clothes, shoes, bags, sandals and accessories, Not just because I'm getting paid as her publicist, I must say, Maju's creations are so beautiful with a sexy vintage look to them. 

Working with Maju has been fun, I mean I get to see her products before everyone else, I get to try on clothes and get some stuff at a discount ;-). To be honest, there are some days I feel like I don't know what I'm doing or if I'm on the right track. Well I thank God for books and people who guide me and let me know I'm on the right path.

These past weeks have been great, I've been getting such a good response from people, I've got them asking who is Maju and ordering her products. Yayy me! I'm so so proud of myself.

Here are some pictures from behind the scenes of the Ember Collection Photo shoot.

The Maju Mascot! Snoopy aka Tiger
 If you've never heard of Maju, go to or


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