That Re Of Sunshine

Mongo ma Ndemi native on a journey called life. . .

November 30, 2010

Maju And Me

I keep saying I'm going to blog once a week but I end up blogging once a month. This has definitely got to change. Been so busy with work amongst other things. Aside from being a reporter at a radio station (yes, I've got a JOB), I'm now also a Publicist (make that two jobs). At first, I thought being a publicist would be an easy job to do, after all it's just to create awareness for a product or a concept. But after speaking to professionals in Public relations, Branding and Advertising, I realised it was going to be hard...
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October 13, 2010

Living Life Danger-Free

“My cigarette packet kindly informs me it will kill me if I consume its contents. My nightdress tells me what will happen to my skin (my largest organ) if I combust in it. Peanuts may asphyxiate me, eggs will clog up my passages, steak will make me moo, sugar will rot my teeth, fluoride will prevent them from rotting but slowly poison the rest of me. If I ride a bicycle without a mask, I’ll be polluted, if I swim in the sea, I’ll be covered in effluence, if I sunbathe, I’ll look healthy but actually will be suffering from melanoma and...
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July 1, 2010

Nueva Tradición

I'm one of those people who believes in friendship. Friendship is one of those precious gifts you acquire in life. I love my friends! Before I start typing off point, last weekend, my friends and I started a new tradition. So this tradition is which ever one of us gets married, has to host all her girlfriends at her new house for brunch aka 'The Pepper Soup Party' once she's settled into her new home. One of my best friend's Livy came up with this idea as a way to say thanks to her friends for their love and support during her wedding....
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June 15, 2010

Side Dish

Photo credit: AdelaideNow The Nigerian Health Care system is one I've seen and heard people worry about. A couple of weeks back, one of my fellow "corps member"; Sandra was hit by a motor cycle aka okada. You should have seen her, it was not a pretty sight. What I still can't believe is that her so-called sympathizers also assisted in stealing her money. As they say, this is Lagos! Shine your Eye! That day, I decided to play the role of good Samaritan by driving her to the Primary Health care Clinic near our local government office....
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May 13, 2010

Main Course: Tidings Of Joy

This post was supposed to come much earlier than this but a sister was busy planning bridal shower, looking for a job and helping Livy with wedding planning stuff.   This bridal shower was the first I have ever organised for any of my friends. It turned out to be so much fun, never mind during the advice session, me and one of the girls had an argument about when to have kids. In my own opinion, after getting married, I would wait two or three years before having kids. I mean, raising kids is a full time job and requires dedication,...
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April 19, 2010


This is something I should have started a long time ago; creating a blog, but I'm just doing it now. I guess I just needed that push (Thank you Hadiza and Oyinwa). Just finished NYSC camp a couple of weeks ago and I've come to realise with all the fetching of water/lifting metal buckets, jogging, marching, sleeping on the floor and living each day on a ready planned time-table, I'm not a boot camp girl. In other words, I can't live without the luxuries of the world ; running water (in the bathroom), a toilet I can sit on, hot water, ready made appetising food, air conditioning, power points to charge my phones, my bed...
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